The guide Recruiting an Employee contains comprehensive instructions for recruiting a new employee – the Finnish Centre for Pensions involved in the project

The newly-published guide Recruiting an Employee provides advice on recruiting a new employee, from mapping options and selecting the new employee to organising proper initiation. The Finnish Centre for Pensions has taken part in designing and creating the guide.
Successful recruitment requires careful planning, and it pays off for you, as the employer, to familiarise yourself with your obligations in advance. The new guide can help you with that.
The guide Recruiting an Employee provides information on
- the various options you have for recruiting an employee,
- how to estimate the costs of recruiting your employee,
- what you should take into account when selecting a new employee,
- what you should take into account in initiating your new employee when they start working, and
- what regional and national services your business can be offered.
Experts from key authorities and organisations have produced the guide
Parties involved in the production of the guide include the following: Regional State Administrative Agencies, Digital and Population Data Services Agency, Finnish Centre for Pensions, Employment Industry Finland, International House Helsinki (IHH), KEHA Centre, Kela, Finnish Immigration Service, Mikro- ja yksinyrittäjät ry (MYRY), Finnish Enterprise Agencies, Finnish Workers’ Compensation Center, Employment Fund, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finnish Tax Administration and Enterprise Finland Telephone Service. in brief
- The web service helps citizens and entrepreneurs in different life situations.
- In, the information, instructions and services you need to take care of matters have been compiled under one address.
- After identification, you can communicate with diffrent organisations, grant and request mandates, and check the data registered on you.
- is developed by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.
The guide Recruiting an Employee Recruiting an employee –