Previous releases
Data on earlier statistical years are in our statistical database:
News and press releases:
- Press release 28 Nov 2024: Employees’ earnings rose by more than 4 per cent in 2023
- Press release 14 Dec 2023: Pension-insured earnings of employees more than twice as high as the insured incomes of the self-employed
- News 30 Nov 2022: Young people’s access to the labour market normalised in the second year of the corona
- Press release 30 Nov 2021: The corona pandemic made it more difficult for young people to enter the labour market
- Press release 11 Dec 2020: Women’s income development slows markedly at family formation age
Statistical publications in the shared open repository Julkari:
- Persons insured for an earnings-related pension in Finland (2021–)
- Persons insured for an earnings-related pension in Finland (2013–2020)
- Pensioners and insured in Finland (2005–2013)
Previous releases in the shared open repository Julkari:
For more information, contact our statistical services: