Active research cooperation is an integral part of our research operations at the Finnish Centre for Pensions. We cooperate with other research and expert institutions and with universities. Our cooperation takes the form of joint projects, information sharing, research funding and hosting visiting researchers.  

Research data  


Research funding

We annually fund or participate in the funding of a few research projects that are of interest in terms of assessing and improving the pension system.  

Submit your research cooperation proposal to Susan Kuivalainen, Head of Research. Write the proposal in the form a research plan (1-2 A4 pages) with the following information:  

  • name of research project,  
  • description of research topics, material used and methods applied,  
  • what the project contributes,  
  • project schedule,  
  • description of the researchers, and  
  • description of the content of cooperation.  

Visiting researchers  

We host visiting researchers whose research activities deal with assessing and improving pensions. In the last few years, we have hosted the following visiting researchers:

Jan Einhoff (Research Training Group DYNAMICS of the Humboldt University and Hertie School) visited the research department of the Finnish Centre for Pensions in November 2023. During his five-weeks-visit, Jan discussed his work on socioeconomic inequalities in retirement and also attended the Annual Finnish Social Policy Conference. 

Jan Helmdag (University of Greifswald, now Stockholm University/SOFI) visited our research department in the spring of 2017 and for a total of four weeks in 2018. He worked on an empirical study on lengthening working lives and participated in the PAECER project on early career trajectories and family leaves. Jan also instructed a course on multivariate analysis with Stata.



Ricky Kanabar (University of Bath) visited our research department in the spring of 2019 and worked in a collaboration project on the effects of changes in individual early pensions on retirement in Finland. Ricky also participated in our research seminar and gave a presentation on the effect of an increased UK State Pension Age on expected working life of employees.

Katri Keskinen visited the Research Department from November 2020 to February 2021. During her stay, she worked on her PhD thesis on the challenges older workers face and the career choices they make by focusing on the experiences of people aged 50 and over in the Finnish labour market as part of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Network EuroAgeism (

Kathrin Komp-Leukkunen (LUT University) visited the Research Department of the Finnish Centre for Pensions in the autumn of 2016 for three months as a part of the Marie Curie programme. During her stay she familiarised herself with the research operations of the Finnish Centre for Pensions and the Finnish pension system and worked on a project on long-term effects of unemployment on older workers. Kathrin revisited our Research Department in October 2022.

Kun Lee (University of Oxford) worked as a visiting researcher at the Research Department of the Finnish Centre for Pensions for four weeks in the autumn of 2023. During his visit, Kun worked on a chapter relating to the social sustainability of extending working lives. He also gave a presentation on the pension scheme in South Korea. The visit was arranged within the SustAgeable research project of the DEMOGRAPHY programme.

Joan Madia (University of Oxford) visited our research department in the spring of 2018. During his one week’s research stay, he worked on an analysis about old-age poverty and the generosity of pensions.


  • Kuitto, K. & Madia, J. E. & Podestá, F. (2021) Public Pension Generosity and Old-Age Poverty in OECD Countries. Journal of Social Policy, FirstView 07 July 2021 DOI:

Katja Möhring (University of Bamberg & University of Mannheim) visited the Research Department of the Finnish Centre for Pensions in May 2022 as part of the SustAgeable project of the Academy of Finland’s DEMOGRAPHY programme. During her stay, Katja lectured on gender and employment effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Together with our researchers, she also worked on a joint international project on the perceived economic wellbeing of pensioners.


Laura Peutere (University of Tampere) was a visiting researcher in our research department from August 2018 to December 2019. During her stay she finalized her doctoral thesis on trajectories of labour market attachment after family and work-related transitions.


Marja Riihelä (VATT Institute for Economic Research) did a job rotation period at the Research Department of the Finnish Centre for Pensions in the spring of 2022. During her stay, she worked on a joint research project between the Finnish Centre for Pensions and the VATT Institute for Economic Research which examined the level, structure, distribution and development of pensioners’ disposable monetary income. Marja acquainted herself with the research activities of the Finnish Centre for Pensions and participated in our ongoing research projects as a commentator.


Kuivalainen, S. & Rantala, J. & Ahonen, K. & Kuitto, K. & Palomäki, L-M. & Liukko, J. (toim.) (2022). Pensions and pensioners’ economic welfare 1995–2020. Eläketurvakeskuksen tutkimuksia 06/2022. Helsinki: Eläketurvakeskus.

Lyle Scruggs (University of Connecticut) visited the Finnish Centre for Pensions in the spring of 2017, working on the Comparative Welfare Entitlements Dataset (CWED2) project and discussing the development of comparative indicators of social security benefits with the experts of the Finnish Centre for Pensions. Lyle also gave a public lecture on the social security and pension system of the USA.

If you are interested in being a visiting researcher at our Research Department, contact Susan Kuivalainen, Head of Research.  

Finnish Centre for Pensions – Central body of and expert on statutory earnings-related pensions