Pension policy indicators in new reader-friendly publication

The renewed Pension Indicators offers an up-to-date perspective on the current status of Finnish pensions and on their realised and predicted development for those interested in pension policy. This new version of the publication is more illustrative and graphic than previous ones.
The review on pension indicators is a compact information package on the state and projected outlook of earnings-related pensions in Finland. The collection of indicators is intended for decision-makers and other parties interested in the future development of earnings-related pensions.
The publication includes the most important indicators that depict the current status and predicted development of earnings-related pensions through graphs and tables.
In this renewed review, as a whole, the indicators are more illustrative and the text is more reader-friendly. As a result, it is easier to find the data needed for each purpose.
Key dimensions of pension policy
In this report, the core indicators and key figures of earnings-related pensions are grouped into three categories by theme: employment and length of working life, pension level, and pension financing.
Employment and length of working life include the central data on employment rates, working lives and effective retirement ages of Finns. Pension levels investigate pension amounts and their expected development in relation to wages. Pension financing presents pension income and expenditure and their predicted development with illustrative graphs.
“The indicators have been slightly updated. Data on retirees’ employment and data depicting the average distribution of pensions have also been included,” says statistics manager Tiina Palotie-Heino (Finnish Centre for Pensions).