Research seminar in February: Pension reforms, non-standard work and life course inequalities in the OECD

At the first research seminar this year, leading experts from OECD will present the most recent Pensions at a Glance report and its results. One of the members of the panel is Hervé Boulhol who leads the Pensions and Population Ageing team of the OECD. The seminar also presents new international research on how pension reforms and working careers affect pensions.
On Tuesday, 4 February 2020, leading international pension experts will come to Finland to present the most recent OECD report Pensions at a Glance at the first research seminar of the Finnish Centre for Pensions.
The extensive report published in late autumn 2019 reviews the adequacy, structure and sustainability of pension systems internationally. The report focuses particularly on the challenges relating to pensions of persons working in non-standard work relationships.
The summary “How does Finland compare?”, published on the day of the seminar, will also be discussed at the event. The country analysis, published for the first time, will summarize the sore points and strengths of the Finnish pension system compared to those in other OECD countries.
The seminar will end with a panel discussion with senior economist Hervé Boulhol (OECD), managing director Suvi-Anne Siimes (Finnish Pension Alliance TELA), executive director Minna Helle (Technology Finland), journalist Teemu Muhonen (Helsingin Sanomat), chief economist Ilkka Kaukoranta (SAK), director Hannu Ijäs (Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health) and chairperson Elisa Gebhard (Allianssi).
“It’s great to be able to start off our series of research seminars in the new decade with this extremely interesting seminar. I look forward to vivid discussions at the seminar,” explains head of department Susan Kuivalainen (Finnish Centre for Pensions).
Pension reform challenges in Europe
In the opening session of the research seminar, professor in social policy Karl Hinrichs (University of Bremen) presents the challenges and directions of recent pension reforms in Europe.
In the second presentation, professor in social policy Bernhard Ebbinghaus (Oxford University) focuses on how differences in working careers are reflected in retirement income.
Pension reforms, non-standard work and life course inequalities in the OECD
Tuesday 4 February 2020 from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. (local time).
Finnish Centre for Pensions, Kirjurinkatu 3, Helsinki
The semainar will be in English. You can also attend the seminar via Skype for Business. Register now – a limited amount of seats available!
Check out the seminar programme and register by 29 January 2020
More information
Kati Kuitto, Senior Researcher, phone +358 29 411 2479, kati.kuitto(at)
(Edited on 14 Jan. 2020 at 3:31 p.m.: Minna Helle added to the list of panelists)