Pension indicators in one package

The report on pension indicators is a compact information package on the state and projected outlook of earnings-related pensions. The report is directed at decision-makers and all interested in the outlook of pension provision.
In this report, the most important indicators and key figures of pension policy are grouped into three categories by theme: length of working life, pension level and pension financing.
The indicators used are, for example, the expected effective retirement age, duration of active working life, employment rate and average total pension. Clearly structured data and analyses of the replacement rate of pensions, pensioner household income, pension expenditure and pension financing are also included in the report.
Pension indicators offer a clear picture of the state of factors that are central to pensions and pension financing, the realised development and the expenditure of the estimated outlook of pensions.
This annually updated report is directed at decision-makers and all interested in the outlook of pensions. In addition to presenting the central indicators, the report steers the reader to additional information sources.